Saturday, August 10, 2024

GIANT TREES OF FLORIDA - Ford, Edison & The Meth-Fire of 2012

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Fresh Treaty breach record by Ward Churchill

very good to hear Ward again

23/05 --------- 8Warrior - k216 ---- 22/10: {lot} - 05/06: {ctc}
fresh WC w TRNN 37m
 37:01 ---- The American Indian Movement and Leonard Peltier w/Ward Churchill | Rattling the Bars
The Real News Network ---- 975K subscribers
2,548 views  May 20, 2024  The Real News Network Podcasts
Despite now spending 47 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit, Leonard Peltier continues to be denied parole by the federal government of the United States. Why has the US so obstinately refused to free Peltier, despite decades of international outcry? The answer lies in the threat posed by what Peltier represents—the demands of the Indigenous liberation movement for sovereignty and justice after centuries of US settler colonialism. Historian Ward Churchill joins Rattling the Bars for a discussion on Leonard Peltier, the American Indian Movement, COINTELPRO, and more.

Studio Production: David Hebden
Post-Production: Cameron Granadino
@therealnews  === The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network. Help us expand our in-depth analysis and coverage from Baltimore to Bangladesh by subscribing and becoming a member today!

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Monday, May 20, 2024

10h 'RoBoReadin owb John Zerzan

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Chatting with Mike Leavitt of And If Love Remains

Saturday, March 16, 2024

me2 LaurenSConsietivity Training
LSouthern on consies vs libs
yes you are a squib cuck .. or else you'd point out ffeffeezz as [a ]politx is gake n fay ..
State money you see, or u would if theory mattered to you more than reeeleee embodies the paradox [encomPasses and Clears {liddurallee} the hurdle and binary] of being amongst harder varieties of duh facktiulz AND/YET manage w paper .. tokens .. not the rightie hard stuff [widt dem misfortunate toxide awfucts].
Ergo, Real State Money to keep free market types ['typifications' to transliterate classical german] real .. honest and vica versa is like a marriage ... i'll bet i wrote [close to very] this in one your threads 8 years ago already
it's value is upheld by acceptance .. circulation based ... the real lesson of the symbol / memeplextitution tuition and transvolution just to name a few of the awful urgent voiizionazionz ... yeah, redeem them .. rescue them from their presently deadly ends ... have i kindled an urge to join MY forces THIS time??????????

Friday, March 01, 2024

Gracie on 'KhaZiovert' ROTHSCHILDish deathspirals


she wants a few solutions so i posted one:

14/02 -------13Earth -------- k117 ---- 08/07: {lot} - 18/02: {ctc}
a pic w caption: 'Jews, Muslims and Christians in brotherhood'
29th comment to 18k Vs: yes, the 3 abr. monoth. faiths r joined at the hip .. not to mention formalism and agendation become dangerous when flattened / abstracted. SOLUTION:
5 MILE LONG HERMETIC WALLS [per 500 peeps?], permaculturally certified matter in and out only ... for generations if necessary.

The Rothschilds and the PRC: Banking, Financial and Other Interactions between the Red Shield Dynasty and the Red China --- Brno June 13, 2021 ...... David Gardáš .. 155p
p 101-2-111 == Portrayal of the Rothschild Family in Chinese Public Space and State-Owned Media
all refs mainstream with a few exceptions; 2 samples:
Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, 2021.
CORBETT, James, 2014. The Corbett Report. Episode 297 – China and the New World Order

very solid lying [unbroken front, and no solution even attempted at all of course, other than jews irrevocably, irreversibly winning, .. absolute and definite penetration of real victims, no potential ones left to "lead them into temptation". Disgusting cunt :: Rabbi Daniel Rowe]

 Why Israel & The Jews Are REALLY Hated - (And The Solution!)
J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance.
99.7K subscribers == 13,973 views  Feb 22, 2024

Monday, February 12, 2024

S801: The Sovereign heart

my lisnin pleasure this morning ..... 

already did the other two on SDM by this trash n fraud reporddrer

i really recommend the free bonus episode from 2 years ago ... at that point i should have gotten up and gone to try protect him against himself 

cause his proof he was and IS THE KING OF DEFIANCE .. did i make that clear? THE WORLD CHAMPION OF DEFIANCE #defianceChampion #defianceTITLEholder  ... kinda like the famouns Monty Python knight .... only man coming close but falling short by a far shot is George Webb btw .... was combatively triggering and the pharmafiyose branch of the khazabal hydra hibrewdz pestered, poisoned and tortured him for a few rounds more ....  after that [2021] i believe. But of course i was sinking and losing battles against myself very badly at that point

... hinted at parallels .. sent him some links ... and got a thank you ....

.. that he was left to his and nearer but obviously not too much dearer ones ..... he's basically been pronounced dead already but emerged from coma on his birthday last october ...........

12/02 -------- 11Eagle ------ k115 ---- 06/07: {lot} - 16/02: {ctc}
that smug fella who had sdm on last summer [saw that] makes 50fllwrs -- the rumble for that:

clif_high from '19 tweet makes 2nd SR w a claim my experience does NOT verify:
What do Sean David Morton & @oprah have in common? Both were giant supporters of a man who made RAPE into a COMMERCIAL activity. First clue should have been his self applied label "John of God".
more slander 2.5Ma
l “Should Sean David Morton be in the SOS Hall of Fame?”. Just go to to vote and don’t forget to leave your “others” in the comment
nice plug from 17d ago pushed away even below more kind words by anniekitzman

followed by only 1 in my circle [wcchanter de kakeljood]: [2706fllwrs]

pretend podcast on patreon
Check out sands of time by Sean David Morton and Wes Bateman. For more ideas about dulce.  A fair amount of cattle mutilation was due to escaped viruses.  The kind used to suspend immune system for grafting

NYT about a 1B sovcit swindle in 2019, almost exactly a year ago ..
19/Sean David Morton, the son of Maureen Kennedy Salaman, was a fixture at these conferences and on "Coast to Coast." But he was later imprisoned for his role in a sovereign citizen tax fraud scheme.

Now we're talking Sean David Morton - he wrote in his latest Sands of Time book dark Vril Reptilians spray something from a probiscus on their head into a humans eyes which then hollows out the human & it takes full control of the human body.
grifter alarms goin back to his mom's VP w Wallace bid 84, according to [t]his book reviewer a year ago

----------- intermission --------------
LP on Musk / sexbomb Gina Carano lawsuit vs Disney
 [9k women suffered pay disparity]
+ third show in a row on child porn [second half, the beginning is cringy and the title subject matter must be at the end if at all .. 1h39].

jfg on this:
---------- ///intermission --------------

pretend podcast on patreon -Aug 31, 2021-
follow up to this: ----------

801 and 803 = sovcit and sovman .. put up only 3 weeks ago, the first one was found on the site free [most shows routed to patreon]

barbara lavender's hubbie used his method to try get rid of debt; ... arrested on the conspirasea sailing foreign territory, he claims he did it for free, they testified against him about paying 2k

Dave Troy
Feb 13, 2023
1/This weekend, I attended the "Conscious Life Expo" in Los Angeles. It is a conference for devotees of "New Age" ideology; attendees lean heavily towards anti-government and pro-Russia stances. While it may appear "lefty" in orientation, with crystals and beads and vegan food...

2/this is a very predominantly "right wing" crowd, in terms of current US political alignment.

I was there to see Sean Stone, Mikki Willis, Foster Gamble, Sacha Stone, Danny Sheehan, Del Bigtree, Jason Shurka, and Sandra Rose Michael.

3/If you know the QAnon disinfo landscape, these names will be familiar. Many of these speakers were featured in the "Rabbit Hole Room" truther-track, but other speakers were similarly oriented. Here are some key themes.

1. Ukraine war should not be funded
2. Debt ceiling should not be raised
3. The US dollar is bound to collapse soon
4. Putin is not such a bad guy
5. Only gold (and some crypto) can be trusted
6. Gov't is lying about UFOs + disclosure
7. 'Gaia' (earth goddess) will heal us all

8. A shift into 4D began in Dec 2012 (Mayans)
9. We are now shifting into 5D
10. Climate science is fake
11. Masks don't work
12. Vaccines cause injury
13. Individual sovereignty above all else
14. The Great Awakening is upon us
15. Taxation is theft
16. "Banksters" oppress us

17. Communism and CCP are the root of all evil

These messages are consistent with "sovereign citizen" and "New Age" ideologies, as filtered through Theosophy cults and "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"-derived conspiracy literature. It is The John Birch Society for the...

7/beads, crystals, and psychedelics audience.

The "Gaia" concept is particularly pervasive. The concept, derived in the 1970's by James Lovelock, was then weaponized by  Shell Oil to advance climate denial — "the Earth Goddess will heal itself."

8/Here's a great paper from @leaharonowsky
 on how the Gaia concept was used to push a climate denial agenda. Now, there is a popular TV channel that pushes this same kind of content called 'Gaia' which was prominently featured at the conference.

9/Other ideas popular here are that Nikola Tesla invented multiple energy technologies that have been suppressed by "the West." These "free energy" and healing technologies can be used to set us all free from the bondage of wage slavery. Here's Sandra Rose Michael's "EE System."
0:01 / 0:04

9/Other ideas popular here are that Nikola Tesla invented multiple energy technologies that have been suppressed by "the West." These "free energy" and healing technologies can be used to set us all free from the bondage of wage slavery. Here's Sandra Rose Michael's "EE System."

10/The climax was the premiere of a rough cut of "Plandemic 3" by Mikki Willis. Featuring historical clips and interviews of G. Edward Griffin of the John Birch Society, the film culminates with a rousing and emotional anti-mask, pro-freedom musical finale.
Judy Mikovitz, Mikki Willis, Del Bigtree at premiere of Plandemic 3 rough cut.
Scene from the musical finale of Plandemic 3.

11/This community provides meaning for many people who are not finding it elsewhere. I met many decent folks who are not satisfied, and seeking answers.

A doctor explained to me about the imminent collapse of the dollar, and the emergence of gold-backed banking. She had...

12/dropped out of her practice to open a "healing center" because she could no longer abide by Western medicine. These are not stupid or uneducated people.

But we do have a massive rift in our social fabric that's preventing us from sharing a single reality.

13/And rabbit holes, social influence, and the draw towards community are powerful drivers that are keeping us from building a single consensus reality.

I'll have more about this event in my podcast this week. But overall this event confirmed my suspicions: this wing of...

14/the New Age movement has been fully weaponized by Putin and the US right to achieve its goals.

And it's wrong to think that "QAnon bled into New Age yoga mom circles."

No. QAnon ideas *originated* from this milieu. These are the headwaters of the 'flood the zone' strategy.

15/"Plandemic 3" is scheduled to be released June 3, 2023. Anti-vaxxer Steve Kirsch is drafting RFK, Jr. to run for president. Elon is turning off Starlink in Ukraine. And the oil + gas industry is very happy to push "Gaia."

Buckle up. We have a lot of work to do.

16/For those interested, this article from @annamerlan
 offers some background on the previous iterations of the Expo and its origins with the "National Health Federation" cofounded by Larry McDonald (CNP) pal Maureen Kennedy Salaman.

17/She was affiliated with the John Birch Society and was a major promoter of quack cancer drug "laetrile" in the 1970's-80's. McDonald was also a fan of the drug; he had the license plate "JBS 1" before he got shot down on the KAL007 flight in 1983.
Maureen Kennedy Salaman – In Memoriam

18/McDonald's district's geography in Georgia is currently represented by Marjorie Taylor Greene.

So basically, Conscious Life Expo is an outgrowth of the paranoiac health ideas of the John Birch Society. So it should not be surprising that it tends to echo QAnon propaganda.

19/Sean David Morton, the son of Maureen Kennedy Salaman, was a fixture at these conferences and on "Coast to Coast." But he was later imprisoned for his role in a sovereign citizen tax fraud scheme.
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Victor Sforza
Feb 17, 2023
Hmmm early June is about time we will need to raise the debt ceiling.
Disperse Lesley Nielsen GIF