Thursday, May 23, 2024

Fresh Treaty breach record by Ward Churchill

very good to hear Ward again

23/05 --------- 8Warrior - k216 ---- 22/10: {lot} - 05/06: {ctc}
fresh WC w TRNN 37m
 37:01 ---- The American Indian Movement and Leonard Peltier w/Ward Churchill | Rattling the Bars
The Real News Network ---- 975K subscribers
2,548 views  May 20, 2024  The Real News Network Podcasts
Despite now spending 47 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit, Leonard Peltier continues to be denied parole by the federal government of the United States. Why has the US so obstinately refused to free Peltier, despite decades of international outcry? The answer lies in the threat posed by what Peltier represents—the demands of the Indigenous liberation movement for sovereignty and justice after centuries of US settler colonialism. Historian Ward Churchill joins Rattling the Bars for a discussion on Leonard Peltier, the American Indian Movement, COINTELPRO, and more.

Studio Production: David Hebden
Post-Production: Cameron Granadino
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