Friday, May 24, 2019

Ancestral Waters

tacoma is an evil place in every which way ... cause it was once paradisial ...

Friday, May 17, 2019

Brendon O Connel - just copy and paste for humanity

Philip Giraldi former CIA officer talks about Kushner

my father my father my .. x51
Philip Giraldi former CIA officer talks about Kushner
Ryan Dawson
Published on May 15, 2019
T-shirts and Mugs
Trumps Zionist Ball and Chain

Revolutionary Ecology: Forging the Environmental Movement into a Revolutionary Force

neat trick, that lines is in caps on the screen, copy/p and/or shared it shows lower case ...... the page has a large menu with perps and a 2 line intro to a lecture vid. It ends with:
"by any means necessary." ... yeah, ... let's try that yet again ... not like it was ever done[/goin'] 'rite' before riiiite?
morons. how about 'by the one means that will remain the cornerstone thru the 'troubles' and into the post revo world´ ... huh?
I've hammered on it for 23 digital years now [5th thru 8th of those on various indymedia 'tenticles' btw], almost all of it saved .. for a more sensible posterity [ .. less infested by 'bookbernies', passed along a format siphon string that can rattle when shaken like a christmas tree tinkles by those who dodge 'dem' aXes and niXites] so don't say i haven't found even a handful of those who can see my points cause i have, even if nothing much [in the way of 'clearcut' [[incontrovertible]] goodness came of it just yet.

Revolutionary Ecology: Forging the Environmental Movement into a Revolutionary Force

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Teenage YouTuber Persecuted For Exposing Liberal Insanity

YouTube: Parental Discretion Advised [RE-UPLOAD]

what a miraculour treasure this prsn is ...

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The MMT Debate With Dean Baker & Randall Wray

i have a playlist called 'vids i slapatapped comments t'wards'
consensus building tends to lowest common denominators (and i mean all the way down to literally rockbottom, .. from what- and however hi&lofty heights it ultimately sources); wrong decisions are costly so the 'can never run out' is kinda nonsensical ... a bit like saying 'in a perfect world nobody will commit suicide or get sick even'.

However, if the natural course of rock becoming soil is nudged, winked and helped along .. stature of rockpolishers, shapers, engravers and polishers rises along with tall and lanky treefocussed types ... THEN .. when numerative nominal emissions parallel and '[fore]shadow' that 'mineral metabolization' (the help rock catch sun&water industries) thrive .... what he says might once again apply as when 'state theory of money' author lacked no examples of and for it ... but without explicity and visuals we're unlikely to get 'back' there in this here 'downdate'state of our variously and thoroughly boobmazetrapped cultural capitals