Friday, June 18, 2021

Thursday Night Trio - McDuff, Webb & Hamamoto (2021-06-17)

Hamaoto refs the pyramidians at half an hour. The trajectory is as follows: chiseling letters in rock basically began degrading the grounding effects [dust carried to the compost heap, they must have observed how well excrement and urine combine with fresh dust, in heyday vedic times an entire harmonization was modeled around it, now a mere part of their antics, the Samudra Manthan].
Dust and grit as byproducts of the almighty figure, rising at the expense of ground and declared ground in it's stead, ad infinitum up until breakneck speeds.
The most pernicious, the nitro version is a combo of meta- with numonoia. It's like the difference between coca leaves and meth. This 'nerding' is what enabled hominid herding .. iow, a savant elite slowly acquired the skill to accurately navigate space and time, the globe and calendar.
Alan Green reveals many of their tricks at 'Bard Code' but fails to emphasize that Dee and the like thought they were in their 'rites' to get away with claiming colonial ownership over any place they could pinpoint and put on the map. If some of that rubbed into the Dutch elites it is bycause duh 'dues' 'earned' themselves ... [imposed] fatherrights upon them, same as thru-out the brit isles.

i am happy to have Darryl on my side with this and John's points are well taken also. They remind me of my months amongst utopia books from the 3 shelves full at Evergreen College [mid 80s], not to mention rainbow family vibes.

ps: if you ever wanna progress to a quartet, ask Steven Hager [dotnet] to join .. he is very suspicious of Prouty btw