Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Previous -Unsettler- Post Tweak

VERSION 2 [tweaks done early next morn .. and as i typed / corrected .. beflourished the last line, a good and kitchy title came to me]: DE MANTEL DER LIEFDE

same as this [tho slightly longer]:
LaurieJ on WendelBerry
 Wendell Berry's Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture--New Class!
Political Philosophy: Dr Laurie Johnson
21.6K subscribers
436 views  Oct 15, 2023
Patreon at worker scholar level (live) or salt of the earth (recordings):

i was in america at the time and still schizoflippin to settler memery [4] myself but a trip to Oz cured me permanently ... i live in the dutch village of my birth since 09 [51 then] and i, along with all other desdendants of the Spinoza wave/swarm, have enuff 'te stellen' [=bother] with the element of 'ueber fremdung' i was born with and thus cannot help but bear out, cause and further the cause of [assmilation goes at glacial rates or snailpace at best ... my dad is from a line of peeps doin 50 miles w of migration in 700 years and his nazi sympathies were kept in check 'selfrestraintwise' by wisely marryin the eldest of 5 fatherless farm kids ... and was rewarded for it .. his provider role widened and widened .. until cut down and slaughtered by a less skillful butcher .. i mean botcher ... a surgeon attempting an aneurysm op].

My otherness has resulted in awaking a nearly deadly hatred in peeps who jumped only sub-three figure amount of miles to be near a daughter employed in a fulltime care institution built in a location i thought should be awarded me as poetpietbasis under any state of understanding better than it was [i myself grew up with a down sis who got 3 decades of gainful employment out of a slightly adapted assembly line factory - DSW Dordrecht].

These new neighbours of mine [if only i had prevented them moving in in the first place, ... i have said ... all wisdom in this rant pure hindsight] saw fit to poison me with RoundUp, at a moment it became, after YEARS of legal struggle, no longer something every idyyid had within 'off the shelf' reach .. [did they dump illegal substance illegally?, cared to 'suprise' me? ..that word in dutch shares root w race btw ... and yeah, glyphosate seems to break bearability when it comes to genetic burdens, listen to Zach Bush, Stephanie Seneff, etc. we're waaaay past 'turnin duh frogs gay' here].

Iow, they poisoned a doorstep dandelion i 'had designs on' [had watered in anticipation of consuming zone 1 herbal blessings .. i do and don't mean the free pdf design here: - a carddeck w 'stoepsteen / straatsteenspleetplanten'].
It is now my belief and hopefully i can contend this in court someday [once over the afterglowburn of this monstertrauma and assaullt on my soul by unknowns behind a barrage of hard and veiled borders], their action was one of malice and hostility. I had given them a perfect set up to cover it with an excuse i am sure 99% of presently presiding judges will grant them validity and desculpability for: they were just helping me weed .. riiiiiite???
....... an inversion of their actual complaint about my greenery missionarIZum tainting their sterile prefs - i got the height of summer temps indoors down 20 degrees celsius with that green and tho recommended on the radio nature program aired during sermon time on sunday i got all kinds of grief.
On top of the manicure / cover / decency prob they got jealous Re sound happy children make [and i mean deathly jealous, alas, per hindsight]  .. which added up to make them 'giftig' ..dutch 'anger' = poisonous, literally.
Resorting to actual poison became a very small step and so they turned my life inside a second time.
The first time i got child abuse specialists interviewing everybody and i was adviced to not let any kids in any more ... not 1, 2, 3, 4 or more anymore .. none ... and still half the village began to label all relevant agism horrors they heard, read or saw from and via any source but me - some silences are damn near deadly - with my name and turned me into a canvas to project their selfinflamed imagery upon, impressed it all on pre-teen dependents, ... [another aside, sorry]: the age of kids associating with me had steadily declined one year per year; testimony to eagerness, not my direct doing, all came to my door uninvited [welcomed but not invited and i didn't vet for parental permission, doctor's note or anything of that true volition subverting schedulage] and though i welcomed enjoyed and allowed intimacy, i always made sure to do so fairly passively, responsive but initiatory only and especially in so far as i tried to teach them about the most tender precious and fruitful aspects of life .. lessons crucial to life, the very crux [Krexno!! look it up!! How to help rock get along with water, .. imperative knowhow!!!!!!!!!!!] of it, the axis / pivot / 'de as' around which life unfolds and spins off in that happy dizzy makin i had these kids flock to me over in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I repeat, well aware of dangers leaving room for any and all rigruinin hasbarattie slander 'constitute and cause, that i went for the crux of life, adapted to a lesson easy to take in and learn by all preteens, in my experienc, NOT the crutch of whoever's life led them to expose itself to me as painted [over] by 'others' [one's neighbours, .. supposedly direct witnesses riiiiiite????] ... as pedo danger,  ... but who here sifts for fineries? the proverbial and long since chimericalized 'kniesoor'? .. [prolly more susceptible to chemical degradation than ordinary mortals, huh? Sigh].

Where was i .. yeah, ... the looks i get since then ... half the kids now think i am a monster .... covid happened to kick in at this, that very disastrous time and everything went dead dead dead and the streetlife still hasn't revived. i plunged into a sea of psychodenial [plagued with glimpses of the the suicidality making peeps like Socrates very famous] and despite ever more excruciating symptoms did not actively choose the path to recovery for months and months. A year later i broke w pharmafiyose emergency scenario after a first of 6 scheduled chemo sessions and luckily i have now, 2 years later, figured out enuff natural remedy to return my focus to the wonders of life .. as long as and whenever i succeed in avoiding the neighbours [prolly a severe blow to their pride contributing to their 'giftigheid' {{animosity}} in the first place, come to hindsync of it]

i am dealing with a very hi rank bad black witch [who in spite of it all, continues living next to me {{w her genetically damaged brute, sire to an lifelong instituzionee}}, with impunitee as we speak!!!!!]

My entire region [rhine delta polder 2meters below sea level] deals with duh daughter corps of Dupont endangering this most wonderful run rin run of europe since the 50s, shortly after their US atrocities ... She's a mere splinter and speck, a 'blazoenvlek' on that forcefarce, in that overloudly lying cloutcloud alrite .. causing grief, delay, subversion, sabotage, threat and despair, starting from havin to sit thru chemours ads in front of youtube vid you are hopin to watch .. any second now ... yeah .. witchery of lowest alloy as lo as lies can go .. prolly just about as low as me mom was/got hi on/at the good side [despite her susceptibility to / weakness for doctor and preacher, neither trumpin crystal clear memory of every psalm she learnt for comfort and rendering the present first aid with ... ].

just the tail telltail tellall taletail chat ....
Since one can never protest too much i'd like to overemphasize and be emphatically empathetic to my detractors .. alltho that is to much honour since they simply cannot conceive, step outside in order to grasp and get a grip on the inversion and 'onewayage' they allow themselves to serially and stubbornly commit .... iow, the peeps who  do not get kids seeking, .. kids who seek out 'slippery slope' lodowns .. who aspire to become facts4lifers at earliest convenience .... lovers of good solid in your face grow up group knowledge, like how do 'slippery slopes' relate to 'on a roll' to career and careen choices ... all very good questions chat ... in lite of this allconsuming and allproviding subject, 'chat' [... as josh 'pleegt te zeggen en plaagt te zagen'] .. as he says .. using the first mentioned expression here:
round about the hour mark ... after the second expose in the routine scheduled troon segment ... earlier he plays a vid by the UKman who lost his youtube account over groomer warnings, during which he strings together every bromide and cliche in the book entirely correctly .. and that is remarkable cause it goes to show Josh has the groomer prob trumping his probs with any and everything out of the UK.
i'll do the full 'Previous -Unsettler- Post Tweak' soonish .. chat

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Wendell Berry's Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture--New Class!

17/10 ---- 10Earth ------ k257 -- 25/02 : : [LOT] --- 11/11: [CTC]
LaurieJ on WendelBerry
 Wendell Berry's Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture--New Class!
Political Philosophy: Dr Laurie Johnson
21.6K subscribers
436 views  Oct 15, 2023
Patreon at worker scholar level (live) or salt of the earth (recordings):
Our website:
Starting Thursday, October 19 at 7 p.m. US Central Time, Spencer  Hess and Laurie Johnson will be discussing Wendell Berry's classic, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture. Use the links above to sign up!

i disqualified Berry from that point on as a phony .. larpin as family / generation / rootedness oriented 'goodmensch' ain't happenin forrealz on a totally diff continent you share blame for completely suppressing and elbowin orig inhabs aside on [ i chide all whitie oriented peeps on that every chance i get].

i was in america at the time and still schizoflippin to settler memery [4] myself but a trip to Oz cured me permanently ... i live in the dutch village of my birth and i, along with all other desdendants of the Spinoza wave/swarm, have enuff 'te stellen' [=bother] with the element of 'ueber fremdung' i was born with and thus cannot help but bear out [my dad is from a line of 50 miles w of migration in 700 years and his nazi sympathies were kept in check 'selfrestraintwise' by wisely marryin the eldest of 5 fatherless farm kids ...

My otherness has resulted in awaking a nearly deadly hatred in peeps who jumped only s sub three figure amount of miles to follow their daughter to a fulltime care institution [i myself grew up with a down sis who got gainful employment in a slightly adampted factory].

They saw fit to poison me with 'off the shelf' round up [a dandelion, my doorstep herbal] with the perfect excuse they were just helping me weed .. an inversion of their actual complaint about my greenery missionarIZum tainting their sterile prefs - i got the height of summer temps indoors down 20 degrees celsius with that green and tho recommended on the radio nature program aired during sermon time on sunday i got all kinds of grief.

They got jealous Re sound happy children make on top of the manicure prob which added up to make them 'giftig' [dutch 'anger' = poisonous, literally]. Resorting to actual poison became a very small step and so they turned my life inside a second time.
The first time i got child abuse specialists interviewing everybody and i was adviced to not let any kids in any more ... not 1, 2, 3, 4 or more anymore .. none ... and still half the village began to label all relevant agism horrors they heard, read or saw from and via any source but me [some silences are damn near deadly] with my name and turned me into a canvas to project their selfinflamed imagery upon, impressed it all on pre-teens [the age of kids associating with me had steadily declined one year per year; testimony to eagerness, not my direct doing ... but who here sifts for fineries? the proverbial and long since chimericalized 'kniesoor'? .. prolly more susceptible to chemical degradation than ordinary mortals, huh? Sigh].

Where was i .. yeah, ... the looks i get since then ... half the kids now think i am a monster .... covid happened to kick in at the time and everything went dead dead dead and the streetlife still hasn't revived. i plunged into a sea of psychodenial and despite ever more excruciating symptoms did not actively choose the path to recovery for months and months.

i am dealing with a very hi rank black witch, living next to me w her genetically damaged brute, sire to an lifelong instituzionee, with impunitee as we speak [daughter corps of Dupont endangering one of the most wonderful deltas of europe since the 50, shortly after their US atrocities ... She's hi rank alrite .. just as hi as my mom was on the good side [despite her susceptibility to / weakness for doctor and preacher].

Monday, October 09, 2023

Psychedelic Map Theory: The Enlightenment Code

9/10 -------------- 2Moon --- k249 -- 17/02 : : [LOT] --- -3/11: [CTC]
Don’s review of Frank’s book in 2001 is incredibly precise, pithy, revelatory, and “accurate”.

The quotation from the review below illustrates the essence of the slight difference in approach between the two McLuhan scholars.

In his trilogy on McLuhan and Joyce, Don retrieves a little-known distinction between “Menippean satire” and “Varronian satire”. The former being more “cynical” (tragic, serious, and dark - Lewisian) and the latter more “carnivalesque” (joyful, happy/silly, and hedonistic - Joycean).

Don thinks Frank misses these differences.

However, as Don states, Frank recognizes the practical use of “gnostic”, “spiritual”, and “aesthetic" elements by McLuhan, just as Don does.

So for me, it is very significant that Don's and Frank’s deaths bracket the appearance of iON in March, 2009.

9/10 -------------- 2Moon --- k249 -- 17/02 : : [LOT] --- -3/11: [CTC]

Bob, you are way way behind ... from all that lookinbeak you undilge

it's back2biobody [the george webb crowdsourcecobble {{trans}}version] ... sounds a little friendlier than 'chemical body' which helped me detest you tremendously i might add, .. but it is in fact every bit of duh satanic to date and then some, quadriloopholed perhaps even ... George warns we might see a 'celebrated'# version soon ... after decades of covert testing ... your foldcusion is nil in comparison, just evileyemirrorage-#2

# = as in the diabolicization of everything via dutch radio ... goin hysterically euphoric over some dastard palace or other with the templemound undertones that set and offset the current hypee ones ... all to veil the 'genie energy' plotswaddle in verzwachtelzachtsel ....

#2 = iow, i distrust this post [not to mention the one cited below it - made slightly earlier]:
photos of 'your' George Power plant ??
 The Beginning of Cold Play—Our Box Generating Endless Electricity ---------- Trump was poisoned with the deadly Ricin on Nov.16/19. He knew he survived because he had been on our products since 2016.

9/10 -------------- 2Moon --- k249 -- 17/02 : : [LOT] --- -3/11: [CTC]

UK Born Gen X reposted Marc Emery  - @MarcScottEmery
Not a single Union in Cdn stood up for their workers who didn’t get the Covid jabs. Unions let them get fired! Unions betrayed workers because those not getting Covid are ideologically opposite the Union. Unions don’t serve their members, they serve their woke Marxist ideology.
that peace dance massacre will be found on the continuum of white hat / goutha gas filmset and the ukie heads under magahats at j6 'ralley around some rats' by electric fooltool jenny and the pets

9/10 -------------- 2Moon --- k249 -- 17/02 : : [LOT] --- -3/11: [CTC]
/ 58:17
Psychedelic Map Theory: The Enlightenment Code
Kerry McCarpet
15.1K subscribers
312 views  Premiered 19 hours ago
When you think about it - the rationale for the invention of every religion is that - we are perceptually impaired. There are things about our environment that we apparently need to know about as a species in order to thrive and yet the claim of spiritual traditions is - we can't ordinarily perceive these things. That's why religion has to exist - to tell us about them.
Which styles of perception are we missing? Why were they there in the first place? Why do we see what we see when we eat psychedelic fungi and plants? How is this related?

What is the symbolic meaning of the three arks in the Bible?

What is our ego made of, and how might it be systematically dismantled?

If you want to understand religion and your own perception better - this is the right place to start.

All music by Chris Zabriskie.

Copyright, Kerry McCarthy, 2023.
 How Tibetans “Ruled” Mongols For Centuries (until NOW...)
Jingwu Show
23.5K subscribers
63,892 views  Sep 27, 2023  #mongolia #tibet #buddhism
#mongolia #tibet #buddhism  

This is the story about two of the deadliest plateaus in Asia and how the seemingly weaker one completely assimilated the other.

The Tibetanization of the Mongols is one of the most fascinating stories that I know. It took me years to research and several months to produce. Hope you guys like it.

0:00 Intro
11:09 Act One: The Man Behind Chinggis
17:41 Act Two: Monks & Soldiers
24:41 Act Three: The "First" Dalai Lama
34:52 Act Four: Red vs. Yellow
43:01 Act Five: Three Kingdoms
55:15 Act Six: The Wildfire
1:13:05 Outro