Well Bred Rock, Sanctified Surface and Go(o)dliness
We say we raise vegetables but we really allow soillife to form and sunshine to inform their seed; veg is short for favorable weather and fertile ground; language thus leaves more and more unsaid till holes appear in the texture of meaning; .. .. .
Friday, February 04, 2022
Paul Alivisatos: Colloidal nanocrystals
1st comment there the huddled classes [pharmafiyose labrats anybody?] can fuck up so much space cause they succesfully pretend to be frugal about it ... but they select for HUUUUGE fall out in order to pick over said debris for savantic tidbits to make their next wave even more viscerally invasive .. it's duh dopecope Paul Alivisatos: Colloidal nanocrystals 3.8K views May 27, 2015 43 Dislike Share Save Chalmers University of Technology 5.66K subscribers – as a fundamental building block of nanoscience and nanotechnologies
just to get you in the mood for the next post down
Documentary - Stone Riddles - Polygonal Walls of Italy 181K views Jan 12, 2021 1.9K Dislike Share Save Tarsier TV 3.3K subscribers d baldasarre did a book on the subject [shown 1h3m]
erosion of 1st amendm. is the 'wacks' that polishes the 2nd
Permit Hipstories - a Zoom Meeting record 15 views Feb 2, 2022 2 Dislike Share Save A Piper 71 subscribers ~ a collaborative Seminar ~legendary wizards in this 1st Amendment Saga. Host: www.free-assembly.org/gather PROGRAM: 0:00:10 ~ Introduction [ Moderator: Dana X Facilitator: scottie Addison ] 0:03:34 ~ The Early Gatherings & Permit Fights, 1972-88: Struggles from the start, cops-&-hippies, inception of Operating Plans… the 1st & 2nd USFS permit rules, winning legal battles from Cochise Stronghold to the Texas Showdown. [ Garrick Beck, Feather Sherman, Water Singing-on-the-Rocks, Dave Massey ] xx:xx:xx ~ The 'Group Use' Regs Come Down, 1993-2000: Organizing on the rulemaking, DC politics & beyond… enactment, enforcement in '96: Osceola onslaught, the 'Holy Shit Permit', Rainbow "leader" prosecutions & defenses. [ Ellen Thomas, Stephen Wing, Susan Bernstein, Joanee Freedom ] xx:xx:xx ~ Fed Escalations and Kicking Back, 2001-09: "Incident Command" takes over - mass citations, repressive tactics & coercive tribunals… 'Change-the-Regs' raps w/ USDA… Permit sellouts & fraud, turning the tide in court: WV, CO, AR, WY & NM. [ attorneys Don Wirtshafter & John McCall, observer Scottie A. ] xx:xx:xx ~ The Precarious Permit Standoff, 2010 --: PA'10 OpPlan, Feds duck the fight… devolving to "Design Criteria", water wars in SD & OR, cop stops in GA, & the political trap of declared Illegal Gatherings… Retrospectives. [ Don, John, Scottie, Garrick, and good Contributors ]
zz:zz:zz ~ [ The End ]
Screen-Share Docs & Images: Visuals & Ideas, colorizing the commentaries, linked for safe download ~ | Displayed…| Supplemental… Rbw Oracle_coverPg.pdf US-v-Israel_Order-my86.pdf DismissRbwChgs_AZStar-20my86.pdf MI'83 OpPlan [TX'88 article.jpg [TX'88 Ruling.pdf 7 Criteria_wing-jy93.pdf /\_Group Use Rules-REVIEW copy /\_RightsFights...The TRENCHES copy WFoA_RegsFlyer94.pdf Mo96_PermitVoid-pls.07jy96.pdf [Ocala97_roadBust-1 copy.JPG [Eerie Ruling-oc97-v2 copy.pdf Who'sInCharge_Erie-21oc99.pdf The Morning News, October22, 1997.pdf * * * * * * * * * * Video recording of a Zoom Meeting that included many of the original Rainbow Family Gatherers, discussing and recalling the hipstory of interactions with governmental agencies and permits that attempt to regulate and control the Gathering. An aspect of intent here is to preserve and share what has happened before as we continue with the struggle to create a safe and Loving 50th Anniversary Gathering in Colorado, July 1-7, 2022. 0 seconds ago re: end agrument: erosion of 1st amendm. is the 'wacks' that polishes the 2nd VS ripening of the 1st flips a retrieval .. i have argued for a Samudra Manthan version of the mudscene since '86 .. my first 'national' ... not discovering that direct conexion till 2016 i am the most tragic rainbow bobo bro imaginable .. made up my mind to ease a sidle, size&weigh uppoke around to ensure spinbalance for truely grounding rock rollin atunes n tonage for attatainers and brood in stagger of stages ... establish the elevfate .. 2 pillars for short track, spokelenght of wheel beside it .. the wood and clay studded rainbow radiance that can beat all nuke and other toxschemes if only we could brew some ethics sauce ...
had enuff pharmafiya yet? i am having trouble even finding the eu parallel to the 11Billion settlement fund ruling of 2020, let alone join it .. i am rapidly losing typing ability due to prednisone use necessary to bear my hateneighbour's glyphosate sprinkles on my healing herbs - zone 1, 30 centimeters from my front door hinge]
Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of using "RNA as a drug" and core mRNA and DNA vaccine technologies. 844K views Jul 27, 2021 25K Dislike Share Save The Intellectual People Podcast 17.3K subscribe
around the 2 hour mark Malone calls Mark's dot conexacquity "lego conspiracy mode" ... i am undecide but Mark Kulacz, for one ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFlhB9_mttc ... still calls Malone a strangelove cycovIDyid AND NOW FOR SOMETHING [not quite] COMPLETELY DIFFERENT a line i placed between pastes from a post about a pharmafiyose shillcast plus comment and styrofoam toxicity search results .. which i am having trouble retrieving ... https://youtu.be/TUBsxGgs17g = 'styrocreter' on remote panamanian island
Your host here: peace-postulator-piet (dutch for peter)
the whirl-chomp cooler pecker clocker . .. err .. . colour picker - clicker busily promoting the metabolization of minerals in/through/as the 'art of compostage' since the early 80s -- this weighty subject of subjects .. . if your object/aim is equitable distribution of common sense's raw material . . . . deserves better than my so far deficient wit but somebody has to pioneer byting that sort of grit a bit.