Sunday, November 24, 2019


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Criticism Is HateSpeech ⛔ Said The Influencers ��

the yin yang symbol's 2 little circles / dots can serve to 'gehstallstell' and 'promorph' opposite extremes of the speech spectrum. The gradient runs from absolute FS under perfectly anonymous conditions to having tongues cut out before being fed to the lions and attack dogs. if you manage to get beyond 3d riding this parabel you'll find a few eddies in the whole and full pic ... i covered as many as i felt drawn to as early as the eighties (beginning with reminders about monetary freedom .. from an era free of politics ... prepolitical money was a finesse of politesse ... but it seems to resist growing in a digital medium (though i was first to digitally represent work by Ulrich von Beckerath .... WhoReeeHHH!!!!!!! where's my whirl cup .. that i may drink from it???? .. despite the jaron laniers of this world but it's more likely a matter of nasty humans sabotaging their existence redeeming shitbucket duties).

Saturday, November 02, 2019

How Jaimie "Homeschools"


around the 19th minute he drives them in the wheelbarrow ... and i fail to hear squeals of delight (read Caillois on vertigo as primal play element) cause there ain't any made ... cause, in keeping with american linearity and square tire and low rider fetish our Jamie dear doesn't lean into curves ... what's the attraction of a roller coaster big guy ... other than distracting from gravity wheel designs with satanic bluster, ... huh ?? .. i don't hear anything .... ooooh, that's right, ... you're blocking comments .. cause you wanna indulge pighead stupid for a while and be left alone without losing patreons ....

How Jaimie "Homeschools"

i'm just blurting a gutsie here but .. don´t his method here apply to and work in larger group settings but a family one ... not so much? Not that i prefer competition .. which .. and cause it is only a stopgap / fake and in fact opposite of shared vision / goal / ideal.