Sunday, July 12, 2020

3 cheers for an olive fempire

here's a thought: have the earthshelter guy Reynolds and the permie man Geoff Lawton preside over a temp resettl proj budgeted by an arab / levantine / persian [and whoever else, Lybia comes to mind] coalition, restore Ghadaffi's waterways and do a giant olive grove along the mediterranean ... until America is broken up into bits closer to it's original 500 tribal county / statelet / tribal bioregional units and the unfairness is waning. Then, just like the mixups from all over claiming lost glory and 'rites' of 'return', flocking and being stampeded, hoaxed and coaxed to and as Iz, the time can come for palis to redo their olive empire closer to if not at home, claiming a cleaner and clearer RIGHT OF RETURN. Resisting now is fighting a tidality imposibble to stem at this point in  time.

update: find the video here:

Intifada? | Palestine Files


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